Essential Oils

I am so excited to share with you a health tool that has been in my home for over four years. My family has gained so much by having high-quality oils in our home and I know it will do the same for yours. Remember these words “There is an oil for that.” You will find yourself saying that often, ha!

Here, I share what essentials are, why doTERRA, how you can use them and how to get them in your home in a week!

*full instructions below

What Are Essential Oils?

If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils provide plants with protection against environmental threats and play a role in plant pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices.

Why doTERRA?

doTERRA is the number one essential oil company in the world and they have only been around ten years. They are on a mission to revolutionize healthcare. Not only can you educate yourself about essential oils through wellness advocates like myself but also by visiting one of their clinics. Prime Meridian Health Clinics will be available all over the United States in the next couple of years. The first to open will be in Utah. You will receive the highest quality patient care experience from practitioners in the medical field. No other essential oil company in this world has invested in making this possible until now.

doTERRA is also the first and only essential oil company that offers full transparency with every bottle of oil they place on the market. You do not need to call customer service to obtain the information. You can go directly to SourceToYou to find out the Chromatography/Quality report for each bottle of oil you hold in your hand. All you need is the serial number on the bottom of the oil you are holding, that is all. Let me explain a little more what I am referring to. doTERRA puts each batch of their essential oils through rigorous testing to ensure that you have the purest and highest quality oil in your hands. These reports are produced by an independent third-party testing lab and that is the report you read. By law, a company can only share these reports as long as they do not change any information written that has been certified by the third party testing lab.

How Do I Use Essential Oils?

Essential oils are used for a very wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. My boys, Maximo (Eight years old) and Leo (11 years old) also partake in the essential oil experience. As a matter of fact, so does Messi, our fur baby terrier mix. These oils can be used as a single oil at a time or in complex blends in one of three methods:

  1. Aromatic: Certain essential oils, when diffused, can be very stimulating, while others can be calming and soothing. Diffusing essential oils can also cleanse and purify the air of unwanted odors.

  2. Topical: Essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and can be safely applied topically.

  3. Internal: Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements for targeted wellness.

Essential oils are both exciting and promising when it comes to taking care of your own and your family’s health. Whether you’re applying essential oils topically, enjoying the aromatic benefits through diffusing, or taking essential oils internally, the positive effects of essential oils are boundless.

That’s why you’ll want to ensure that the essential oils you are using are capable of delivering on their promise. You’ll want to make sure that you are choosing essential oils for their potency and their purity.

When you invite these precious beauties of the earth into your home you will see for yourself how they will absolutely change your mental and physical state. I will also guide you with my tribe, The Empowered Life Tribe, on how to use them in the safest way. I bring my background as a global sleep expert, health coach, Yoga Nidra teacher and soon to be certified aromatherapist to guide you along your essential oil journey so you too can create a healthy and happier home safely.

Goodies for you, if you join my tribe:

  1. You join the amazing Hol:Fit community of over 100,000 oilers led by Ange Peters

  2. DIY recipes

  3. Essential Oil libraries

  4. One hour wellness consult with me

  5. Tribe gatherings, including make-n-take classes

Are you excited to get them in your home?

How to order step-by-step:

  1. Click on this link to receive 25% off all year:  HERE

  2. Click on START SHOPPING

  3. Choose the products you would like to purchase, by clicking ADD TO BAG under the item(s) of choice

  4. When you are done adding your product(s), click GO TO BAG

  5. Review your order and click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT

  6. Answer the questions in the ACCOUNT SETUP section

    1. Account type: Wholesale Customer

    2. How did you hear about doTERRA: You should see my name and picture. If you don’t, please type in my wellness advocate number 806749

    3. Click the bo to acknowledge and confirm information and press continue

  7. Fill in your payment and shipping information and process

  8. Expect to receive an email from doTERRA in your inbox with your receipt

  9. Expect to receive an email from doTERRA when your goodies are on their way

  10. Expect to receive an email from me welcoming you to our Hol:Fit group

  11. Within two weeks not only will you receive your doTERRA goodies, but be on the lookout for a tribe gift from me!

If you have any questions during this process, do not hesitate to reach out to me at